Archiv: creaflow
Climatopia 08.03.2023
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. In the Climatopia project, we develop teaching materials and methods that can be used in schools, as well as in initial and in-service teacher training.
“… no one left behind!” 25.09.2019
Principles, methods and tools for schools to prevent early (educational) school leaving
Education up to 18 for all People! 25.09.2019
How schools can make a significant contribution to this.
Systemic structure and family Constellation 25.09.2019
With this solution-oriented method, you will find your individual way out of a problematic situation towards more scope for action and the freedom to act independently.
Stress Management 25.09.2019
With today's requirements, it is quite easy to get into the stress trap! Please contact us and do something for yourself in time!
Resilience – crisis competence 25.09.2019
Resilience, another word for it would be crisis competence, is the force of resistance that can unfold even under the most adverse circumstances and stressful living conditions.
Wellbeing 25.09.2019
In this seminar you will learn how to increase your personal well-being and make your daily routine more easy and energy-efficient. Of course the fun is not to be missed.
Seminars for couples 25.09.2019
Take a conscious step out of everyday life and give attention to what sometimes seems self-evident: Your couple relationship!
Moderation 25.09.2019
The targeted use of moderation methods is nowadays part of the standard repertoire of every executive and trainer.
Seminars for executives 25.09.2019
Executives are now facing a steadily growing number of tasks and requirements. Personality is required. And authenticity.