Stop Dropout

In the years 2009 to 2011, we coordinated the EU project “Stop Dropout”:
The goal of “Stop Dropout” is the early detection and thus timely advice of break-up students. Stop Dropout consists essentially of two parts, an online questionnaire tailored to the life of the pupils concerned (depending on the type of school, there is a precisely adapted questionnaire) which is based on scientific research and has been calculated and standardized in a test theoretical way and an own consulting approach matching with the outcomes of the Stop Dropout questionnaire.
In 2012 and 2013, we received the Lifelong Learning Award from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science for our Stop Dropout products.
The Stop Dropout products have been transferred to 9 other countries through two Transfer of Innovation projects:
- Preventing initial VET dropouts and fostering trainees inclusion: - Support for Vocational Training and Education Dropout “SaVED”:
2017, Stop Dropout has been included in the European Union’s best practice collection.